Giving Up to Grow Up

We can achieve more than what we have because we can become more than what we are.” Jim Rohn

   Have you ever thought about what you would give up to achieve more success? What you would be willing to not have in your life to be able to live out your dreams?

   It is often said that success comes as a result of sacrifice. That when we give up certain elements of our current life, we are able to fill those gaps with things that mean more to us. These sacrifices are present in all areas of our life. We give up on being single in order to pursue a relationship with people we love. We give up on watching TV in order to read books and learn new skills. Or the sacrifice of late nights socializing so we can get some much needed sleep and exercise. The sacrifices we are willing to make help determine how far we will be able to go.

   My girlfriend Marianne recently made a sacrifice with the vision of a better career. In her sacrifice, there are lessons we can all learn from. You see, Marianne had grown over many years to become an exemplary performer in her job. Ultimately she found herself in a place where she had earned the respect and friendship of those around her professionally. Many of us will find ourselves in similar positions in our careers, where the right now is comfortable and profitable. But right now is just that, a good place to be right now. If we want to reach our potential, we need to continually look for the next opportunity. 

   One such opportunity presented itself to Marianne, in the form of a career change into management consulting. Embracing this opportunity would mean giving up on her current successes, in order to achieve more in the future. Giving up the close working relationships she had with colleagues (who she could also consider friends), giving up the comfort of familiar where she knew she excelled. This “give-up” list was extensive, and that is frightening. To replace all that she would be giving up was an equally extensive list of new challenges, knowledge she didn’t possess yet, new professional relationships to be cultivated. 

   So how do you move forward when what you have to give up, or sacrifice, seems so daunting? Turn that fear into excitement.

   By re-framing the opportunities, not by what you are losing, but by what you are gaining helps put into perspective the sacrifices that are required. You are not giving up that TV show, but you are gaining strength and vitality from the combined time in the gym. You aren’t giving up freedom as you gain the close companionship of a relationship. And for Marianne, the sacrifice was re-framed into excitement. Excitement for the chance to learn and grow, excitement for future opportunities, excitement to achieve more for her career and herself.

   We all have to make trade-offs in our lives to become better, what do you need to give up to become better? What's holding you back? Sometimes growth is held back by our comfort and familiarity with our current situation. Turn fear of failure into excitement to achieve more and you'll see the benefits of making these trade-offs. That excitement will help you through the often difficult immediate transition, and keep you focused on your path to success.

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